Ada satu buku yang agak menarik tajuk nya. Make Money, Not Excuses by Jean Chatzky. Belum jumpa lagi free e-book download, tapi dah jumpa blog writer tersebut. The intro goes something like this;
A few years ago - after reporting on money for fifteen years - I finally cracked the code. If you want to get rich, you need only do four things:
1. Make a decent living
2. Spend less than you make
3. Invest the money you don’t spend
4. Protect the financial world you build so that a disaster doesn’t take it all away from you
Sounds easy, I know. So why, then, is it so hard, particularly for women? - Jean Chatzky.
I would agree on certain points. I have one question, do we have to do all that? Why should we sacrifice now, so that we can enjoy later? Will we arrive at LATER? Shouldn't we live our lives to the fullest? For me, life is too short. Even Micheal Jackson died at 51!
Is it necessary to be rich? I think it is good to have some savings but not to the extend of not enjoying your life. Why bother to be rich if you have enough on everything. Thank you to Allah for giving me enough when I need it most. I know that I'm not rich but what is important, I'm really feeling rich and happy!
Last but not least, sabda Rasullullah (s.a.w), " Adalah lebih baik kamu tinggalkan waris kamu sedikit harta daripada tidak berharta". Maaf, tak ingat siapa periwayat hadis ni. Jadi, tak perlu lah jadi orang yang kedekut untuk hidup ini. Bukan kita boleh bawa mati duit yang kita simpan banyak-banyak tu. So, spend some, save some!
Spend some, save some.
Ketika taubat Ka'ab bin Malik diterima ALLAH krn kegagalannya menyertai Perang Tabuk, dia mau menginfaqkan seluruh kebun tamarnya di jalan ALLAH. Rasulullah saw menegahnya sambul bersabda `Separuh dari kebunmu....' Maknanya, separuh bersedeqah, separuh untuk nafqah anak isteri.
Correction - Sambil, bukan sambul.
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