Nak share sesuatu disini. Saya rasa saya seseorang yang selalu berterima kasih bila orang lain membantu saya. Tapi saya baru tahu bahawa saya bukan lah seorang yang cukup berterima kasih sehingga lah saya sedar bahawa berterima kasih yang sebenarnya mempunyai kuasa yang lebih besar.
Berapa kali bila kita berterima kasih, kita benar2 bermaksud "terima kasih". Most of the time, kita buat sambil lewa sahaja. Sebab kita rasa dengan ucapan terima kasih itu sudah cukup baik. Lain kali bila kita berterima kasih, sila buat perkara seperti berikut;
1)Ucap kan dengan senyuman dan pandang mata kepada orang yang memberi.
2)Jika perlu, kita boleh menghantar kad/note/email atau apa sahaja yang menunjukkan penghargaan kita.
3)Jangan pandang remeh pertolongan orang tersebut walau pun itu memang tugas mereka. Cth: pelayan restoran atau pemungut sampah.
Jika kita bersungguh2 dengan ucapan terima kasih kita, InsyaALLAH kita akan lebih mudah mendapat bantuan walaupun kita tidak meminta nya.
Consider this story;
Andrew was going for a sales job. He knew he had the least experience and least qualifications to get the job. In face he wasn’t even sure how he’d got the interview. What he did know was he was very thankful to be given the opportunity.
The interview went well, though it was impressed on him again that everyone else was more experienced for the role. As he left the building, he slipped the receptionist an envelope. Inside was a thank you note for the man who had just interviewed him, thanking him for his time and for the opportunity.
That evening, he got the call to say he’d got the job. His new employee was very clear. It wasn’t his qualifications that got him the job. It was the card. If he was able to thank him at this stage, he knew Andrew would be able to build positive relationships with his client which is exactly what he was looking for. Being grateful won him the job.