Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Effective Islamic Parenting


Tadi masa sedang mengemas, terjumpa satu kertas di dalam laci. Tulisan nya sangat menarik hati saya. Maaf, ianya dalam bahasa Inggeris. Saya olahkan sedikit di sini isi kandungan nya kerana terdapat perkataan yang agak negatif dari perspektif saya. Walau bagaimana pun, masih dalam bahasa Inggeris.

(Read every morning)

1                     I’m raising my child to be a successful Khalifah of Allah who will create a truly Islamic World.

2                     Today I will do my best to know and understand all the influences upon my child development.

3                     Today, I will do my best to help my child understand the power of positive influence to take her/him to Allah.

4                     Today, I will do my best to enhance the power of positive influences upon my child to take her/him towards Allah.

5                     Today, I will do my best to notice some positive things my child does or says and tell her/him how much those things are appreciated by me and by Allah.

6                     Today, I will do my best to say something positive when correcting my child’s wrong behavior.

7                     Today, I will love my child unconditionally and express the love at time which is most beneficial to my child.

8                     Today, I will do my best to be an example of a good and right Muslim for my child.

9                     Today, I will pray for Allah’s help that I can be a good parent for my child.

 Mari kita baca dan amalkan. InsyaALLAH.

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