Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan hikmat kepada Luqman, yaitu: “Bersyukurlah kepada Allah. Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur (kepada Allah), maka sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk dirinya sendiri; dan barangsiapa yang tidak bersyukur, maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji.” (Q.s. Luqman, 31 : 12)
This entry is special dedicated to my dearest husband. To my dear bloggers, you can choose to ignore it! Move on, move on..…nothing to see here ;-)
My dearest husband,
Today is your 41st birthday. May I take this opportunity to say something in this precious blog of mine. You may or may not read it I know. I may be never tell you this before but I think you should know cause I’m afraid that if I die and you will never know.
First of all Alhamdulillah, let me thanking to Allah for giving me the opportunity being your wife. I hope the dearest one and only! Thank you to Allah for allowing me to borrow you from Him. Thank you to your parents for bringing you to this world. I’m sorry if I’m not a perfect wife to you, I know you are not perfect too but we are perfect for each other.
I’m not good with words as you know it but let me take this opportunity to thank you for a lot of reasons. Thank you for teaching me to totally believe in and depend solely on Allah. Thank you for reminding me to be sincere in whatever I do and don’t even hope anything in return. Not even a single thank you. Thank you for allowing me to love as if I will never get hurt. Thank you for giving me 4 wonderful and smartest girls. Thank you for being a greatest father to our children. Thank you for the house that we can call a home, thank you for the comfortable transport, thank you for being my chauffeur at times, thank you for the food that you brought home with your hard work, thank you for changing bulbs and fixing my cabinet, thank you for throwing away the garbage and the mess you did which I have to get it cleared! Thank you for being an adorable in-law to my mother, brothers and sisters. Thank you for bringing us home to my family occasionally. Thank you for spending and being patience when we ladies go shopping. Thank you for carrying the groceries with your own bare hands.
Thank you for every bouquet of flowers and present that you gave me for every birthday (my friends used to envy this!). Thank you for every romantic dinner on our anniversaries. Thank you for calling me everyday from wherever you are, thank you for making me laugh with your stupid jokes, thank you for every splendid holidays, thank you for fulfilling our needs and wants, thank you for making us missing you when you were away, thank you for being by my side every night! Thank you for mad at me for not watering the garden where you planted my favourite vegetables and papaya tree. Mostly appreciated for coming home every weekend without failed when you were posted to Singapore, KL and Lumut for years. Thank you for spending a lot of money for calling me daily from Japan when you were there. Thank you for flying us there to meet you. Thank you for YM me from Vietnam daily for months. The most important is thank you for not giving us chances to complaint about this life. Last but not least, thank you for your love, affection, caring, support and understanding. Thank you and more thank you, no word could ever thank you enough.
Sorry if I missed anything to thank you for. Apologies if I’m not being a good wife to you and a good mother to our children. Thank you for accepting my flaws all these years. I do not know if I can get a better husband than you. On this birthday, let me pray to Allah Almighty to give us forgiveness, guidance, love and blessing. May Allah grant you good health, long beneficial live and abundance. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Love you always from the bottom of my heart……
Sent my sincere congratulations to your hubby on his 41st birthday. May live in sa'adah (kebahagiaan), iman and ketaqwaan. Success in whatever he does. Anyway, I'm 3 years older than your hubby. He he he.........
I am sorry...
salam...pekabo kak..sory lma x tulis blog..baru balik dari KL..
Thanks to all...
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